Maya’s Wisdom on Death and Dying

It was a year ago at this time that this lovely lady, Maya, started her dying process. It alarmed me and took me to the edge of my capabilities at that time of witnessing pain and death in another being, so I euthanized her, not because she asked me to, but because I didn’t know what else to do. She has taught me so much since her death, and when I asked her today what she wanted me to say, here’s what came to me.

“We all live. We all die. Allow us to live. Allow us to die. You do not need to expedite our death. Our body already knows how to die. Let us have those dying moments. So much happens there that you cannot see, but only feel.

If we want something from you, we will let you know, but first you need to know what dying looks like and the natural shut-down process the body goes through. If we stop eating or drinking or start losing weight, we are preparing to go. If this is new to you, it can be alarming. It is easy for fear to take over. That is why it’s important to be educated on what dying looks like. Then you can distinguish between what is normal when dying, and what is us asking something of you.

When in doubt, observe, relax, breathe, feel and embrace what is happening. I know this is a tall order, but it’s where you can connect more deeply to us in our moment of passing from this world to the next. You do not need to fix it, nor make it go faster. It takes as long as it takes.

Some deaths are quiet and peaceful, others are dramatic with a lot of energy. A lot of energy does not automatically equate to being painful, but it can be disconcerting to the observer. If pain is involved, ask us how you can help. Do not assume we want you to euthanize us to get rid of the pain. All living beings are capable of feeling many emotions at the same time. Do not let pain blind you to all of who we are in that moment. We are multi-faceted and complex. We are more than just the experience of pain.

The biggest gift you can give us is to hold the space for our last moments on earth and listen to us. What we have to say may surprise you. You do not need to “figure anything out”, but rather, breathe, relax, feel and let nature take its course. It is called dying. It is normal. It is ok to witness it and allow it to happen. If we need something from you, we will tell you. Every being on earth will take this journey at the end of their life. Let us too.”

3 thoughts on “Maya’s Wisdom on Death and Dying”

  1. Dear Maya:
    Thank you for sharing your insights and wisdom through and with Mary. Sometimes it’s difficult for me to trust what I am being presented with, intuitively, not wanting to miss something or allow unnecessary pain. But I know this is part of my journey, if you’ll let me walk along with you.
    Holding space and offering healing energy, love and light.

  2. Hi Mary, I was able to pass on Mayas wisdom article to a person who is facing the death of an old pony at the moment. I think it will ease the stress for all in this situation.
    Thankyou so much for all you and your horses share its invaluable.
    Much love from Erin in Aus.

    • Thank you, Erin, and you’re welcome. Facing dying can be so hard. My hope is to take some of the pressure off by talking about it. Thank you for spreading the word.


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